Business Barometer

Entrepreneurship Drives Up Director Appointments.

In 2019 Ireland was one of the fastest growing economies in the EU (1). Thanks in part to continued entrepreneurship supported by the increasing number of first time directors. Last year saw 31,868 first-time director appointments, up 2,282 on 2018's figure (29,586).

2019 First Time Directors

62% of Directors appointed in 2019 were ¬first time directors and many of the country's entrepreneurs account towards this figure. In terms of age, 2019 saw a continued increase in the average age in first-time director appointments, which currently stands at approximately 44 years of age. This has increased since 2015 where the average age was 42 Years.

Ireland's Directorships

There is are currently 359,784 directorships in Ireland right now. With more companies than ever currently registered in Ireland (248,260) this equals to more and more directorships. We have analysed our database to give you an average breakdown.

Director Nationality
1) Irish: 319,332 (88.76%)
2) British: 18,463 (5.13%)
3) American: 5,664 (1.57%)
4) French: 2,461 (0.68%)
5) German: 2,114 (0.59%)

Director Age Ranges
1) 45 to 49: 53,841 (14.96%)
2) 50 to 54: 51,036 (14.19%)
3) 40 to 44: 47,071 (13.08%)
4) 55 to 59: 44,213 (12.29%)
5) 35 to 39: 34,929 (9.71%)

Director Genders
1) Male: 211,635 (59%)
2) Female: 111,358 (31%)
3) Unknown: 36,739 (10%)

From the above statistics the average profile of a directorship is Irish, Male and with an age between 45 to 49. The exact average age is, however, 53 years of age. In terms of the gender breakdown we see that almost two thirds of directors are Male and 31% are Female shedding light on a gender divide within directorship appointments.

Director Searches

When doing background checks within a directorship report will be returned. This will uncover any directorships past and previously appointed to a person. A very detailed picture can be painted from the status of companies associated or once associated with a director. There is also a completely dedicated search feature just for this purpose.

It is super easy to perform a directorship search, all from within your existing Vision-net account - Click here to begin searching. For more information on any of our services Call: 01 903 2660 or Email:

(1) RTE News: Economy grew by 5.5% last year

Insolvency Notices


The number of companies that have collapsed this year. This figure is down 1% compared to last year
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Our Credit Reports are predicting over 80% of insolvencies at up to 6 months in advance.



  • 25 Companies

E8 (Notice Of Appointment Of Receiver)

  • 9 Companies


  • 0 Company



The number of companies that have closed this week.

New Startups

New Companies

  • 489 Companies

New Businesses

  • 741 Businesses

Important Changes

Changed Status

  • 663 Companies


  • 3 Companies

Strike off & Struck off Companies

Strike Off

  • 359 Companies

Struck Off

  • 0 Company

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